
Wuxi Chang Guang Xi National Wetland Park

The development of the Chang Guang Xi Wetland Park was an important initiative which is aimed at improving water quality within the Chang Guang Xi River and Wu Li Lake system, with the overall goal of enhancing the health, beauty and long-term sustainability of the river corridor and lake system. Schollen & Company Inc. completed the preparation of the Master Plan for this 975-hectare urban park. The project was focused on utilizing low maintenance, non-structural techniques to enhance the quality of water within the river and lake system as well as from stormwater runoff which is discharged into the river system from the adjacent development areas.

The Chang Guang Xi Wetland Park was designed to achieve a number of objectives, including:

  • creation of terrestrial and aquatic habitat;
  • provision of amenities for public education, recreation and interpretation;
  • provision of facilities for passive recreation;
  • establishment of facilities for monitoring;
  • establishment of a diverse and sustainable river corridor ecosystem

Phase 1 of the Master Plan was constructed in 2008 as demonstration project to test the various techniques proposed to be integrated throughout the Master Plan.